Winners of the #RetoMoringa editions

In the image above, Montse Toledo, winner of The Third Edition of the Reto Moringa Challenge, celebrates her triumph at El Club Allard with 2 Michelin star chef María Marte.



Reinhard Wall, ganador del primer #RetoMoringa, con el Jurado del Reto al recibir el premio

Reinhard Wall, winner of the first Reto Moringa Challenge, in 2015, with the Challenge Jury upon receiving the award.


Alberto Guida, ganador del II Reto Moringa junto a M. Carmen Sánchez, muestra el diploma acreditativo de su primer puesto

Alberto Guida, winner of the 2016 Reto Moringa Challenge together with M. Carmen Sánchez, shows the diploma accrediting his first place.


Montse Toledo, ganadora del #RetoMoringa 2017 prepara la receta premiada: Barritas energéticas con Moringa.

Montse Toledo, winner of the Reto Moringa Challenge 2017, prepares the award-winning recipe: Moringa Energy bars.


A la derecha Marinelly Marleny Núñez, ganadora del Reto Moringa 2018, con la chef 2 Estrellas Michelin María Marte, Jurado del Reto Moringa 2019. Coincidieron en un cooking show auspiciado por la revista Hola.

On the right, Marinelly Marleny Núñez, winner of the Reto Moringa Challenge 2018, with the 2-star Michelin chef María Marte, Jury of the Reto Moringa Challenge 2019.


De izquierda a derecha, Cecilia Prieto Fernández, ganadora del Reto Moringa 2019; Dña. Sofía Montiel de Afara, ministra de Turismo del Paraguay, Carolyn Stewart, Presidenta de Yguá Moringa Guaraní, y Carmen Figueras, Directora de Yguá Moringa Guaraní.

From left to right, Cecilia Prieto Fernández, winner of the Reto Moringa Challenge 2019; Sofía Montiel de Afara, Minister of Tourism of Paraguay, Carolyn Stewart, President of Yguá Moringa Guaraní, and Carmen Figueras, Director of Yguá Moringa Guaraní.


Who will succeed the previous winners in the #RetoMoringa2020