Finca Yguá - Pirareta - Piribebuy - Paraguay  |9.87ºtemperatura ygua moringa

Yguá Moringa leaves

Bag of 33 g


Ref. TOGUE33

  • Moringa Guaraní leaves
  • 100% compostable 33 g packaging
  • Complete protein + Antioxidant + Vitamine B12
  • Functional whole food


La Naturaleza nos ofrece en la Moringa una de las fuentes nutritivas más completas que se conocen sobre la Tierra. El cultivo Biodinámico reúne las fuerzas vivas del suelo y del entorno para hacer de Yguá Moringa Guaraní una variedad rica en compuestos funcionales. La vitalidad de las hojas es absorbida por nuestro organismo para regenerarse, fortalecerse y reequilibrarse.

Cada día el aporte vital de Yguá en hoja y / o polvo de hoja nos mantiene atentos.

Una composición expresada en un círculo virtuoso de macronutrientes y micronutrientes que genera sustancias que nutren a las células y también las activan produciendo sustancias vivas con capacidad de regeneración.

Hay otros alimentos con propiedades más específicas pero no tan completas.

Observar una hoja y saber que contiene este conjunto de propiedades no dejará de sorprendernos. Deseamos que nuestra labor en el cultivo sea capaz de acompañar el trabajo que el laboratorio de la Naturaleza desarrolla. Y, en el secado no estropear lo conseguido en cada cosecha.


En una alimentación variada y rica en nutrientes, como es la dieta mediterránea, introducir un Yguá de Moringa en hojas y/o el polvo de las hojas, aportan compuestos funcionales naturales, generados por el árbol. Estos compuestos dan la vitalidad para ayudar al cuerpo a reequilibrarse en:

  • La inflamación crónica. Manifestada en múltiples formas, obesidad, colesterol LDL alto, diabetes tipo 2, artrosis, artritis, mucosas en el tronco respiratorio, enfermedades neurodegenerativas… entre los fitonutrientes (121), los isotiocianatos son especialmente eficientes para fortalecer el sistema inmune, bloqueando los agentes proinflamatorios.
  • Frenar el desgaste oxidativo desde nuestro propio cuerpo. La Moringa cuenta con un alto nivel de flavonoides, en gran variedad (+ 46), entre ellos los carotenoides para la reparación de tejidos. A esta vía exógena, se le añade la endógena mediante el isotiocianato moringina, que activa la vía epigenética Nrf2, para estimular que nuestros genes produzcan enzimas antioxidantes como la catalasa, el glutatión y superóxido dismutasa (SOD).
  • Cubrir deficiencias nutricionales. Siendo una completa fuente nutricional, la Moringa aporta proteínas con todos los aminoácidos esenciales, acido oleico, carbohidratos, fibra y es multivitamínico (A, grupo de la B, C, D3, E, K1) y multimineral (calcio, magnesio, hierro, potasio, fosforo, zinc, boro).

Según aumenta el interés de la comunidad científica por la Moringa se van publicando diversos estudios científicos sobre su propiedades hipoglucemiantes, hipolipemiantes, antiinflamatorias, antimicrobianas, anticancerígenas y hepatoprotectoras, entre otras.


Las hojas habitualmente se toman en infusión. Una cucharada sopera de hoja (3g) para un litro de agua. Una hidratación nutricional para beber a lo largo de la mañana, o de la tarde. Podemos saborearla sólo con las hojas, con un suave sabor herbáceo o bien con limón, menta u otras hierbas.


También pueden las hojas ser maceradas en agua a temperatura natural. Si consumimos un agua pasada por un filtro para alcalinizarla logramos un excelente aporte sustituto del agua, un Yguá, una hidratación nutritiva y antioxidante.

How do I buy the Yguá Moringa?

From the online Shop where you are now. Choose the product you want and follow the process.

By telephone to del Customer Service , + 34  608 95 06 41, where you will receive instructions on how to make your purchase.

In shops located in various towns and professionals that work closely with Yguá Moringa, you will be able to find the same references as in the online shop. You will find the products packed in different quantities for retail or wholesale, in order to optimize your purchase with the quality assured by Yguá Moringa.

How can I pay for Yguá Moringa?
Once your order has been accepted and confirmed, you can access the following methods of payment with confidence:

  1. Paypal. This e-commerce money transmitter allows you to pay your purchases immediately and safely without sharing your financial information.
  2. Bank card.
  3. Bank transfer to the IBAN account number:ES90 0073 0100 52 0503224364 (SWIFT OPENESMM) Account holder Moringa Guaraní Yguá.
    In the case of a bank transfer, it is important to give the order number.
    Once the transfer has been made to the bank account detailed above, remember to communicate this to us by an email to:
    In this way you allow us remit your order to you in the shortest possible time.
    If we do not receive proof of the bank transfer, there will be a delay of 3 working days from the time we receive the transfer before the order can be dispatched.
    Should the bank transfer not be received within 10 days, the order will be cancelled.
    For any doubt or inquiry please contact Customer Service on:Telephone: + 34  608 95 06 41 or Email:

I have a discount voucher. How do I use it

If you have a discount voucher, this should be indicated when choosing your payment option in the section provided to this effect.

When will I receive the invoice?

Once payment has been made, Yguá will send you the invoice by email in a PDF file, issued in the name of the person or Company using the data you have provided.


When you make an online purchase you can see a list of places and countries where we can undertake delivery. Should a place of country not be listed, you can get in touch with us at Customer Service.

What are the delivery charges?

Charges vary depending on the country and place of delivery. On making a purchase, you will see a list of delivery charges, which will correspond to your order and will also depend on the total amount of the order.

When will the Yguá Moringa be delivered?

In mainland Spain delivery time takes between 1 and 2 working days allowing for a day after the day the order is submitted, counting working days but excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. For the rest of Spain an extra day can be expected; for international deliveries between 5 and 7 working days.

These are only approximate times that may vary according to circumstances beyond Yguá´s control.

Is it possible for me to track my order?

You are able to track your order on the transport company website by using the tracking code you will be provided with.

What to do in case there is a problem with the delivery?

Should your order not arrive within the estimated time, you should contact Customer Service.

If the package is damaged on the outside, refuse delivery and get in touch with us as soon as possible at Customer Service.

On opening the package, if you are not satisfied with the merchandise received, we suggest you get in touch with us by telephone at Customer Service.

Please take into account that your contact telephone number as required on the purchase order is useful for solving problems such as a wrong address, or to notify and coordinate delivery with the transport Company as well as receive notice when there is nobody at home to receive the delivery.

Customer Service

By email you can reach us through and we will reply promptly.

You may also contact us by Telephone: + 34 608 95 06 41.

Monday to Thursday from 9h to 14h, 16h to 20h and Friday from 9h to 14h.

Or you may prefer to send us a message by Whatsapp.

Security and protection of payment

The data exchange is estimated by SSL protocol up to 256 bits in direct communication from the customer to the financial institution to be paid.

Our server codifies all personal information assuring the privacy and security of your transaction.

Our website has voluntarily adhered to self- regulating, systems whose seal allows us to excel in our degree of commitment and transparency.

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